Welcome to 5th Grade! As a team, one of our goals is to help students on their journey toward taking personal responsibility for their work here at school. There are many new additions to the 5th grade school day like band, art, P.E., as well as switching classes. 

This website is designed for you to be able to see what your child's homework is in each class as well as important events, dates, and links. Above, you will find a page for each homeroom.

We are looking forward to our journey together through 5th grade! 

The Fifth Grade Team


Homework Assignments: Students are expected to write their homework down in their assignment notebooks each day and bring necessary items home to complete their work.  Homework does not just mean daily work, but also long term assignments and test preparation. Students will be notified of these assignments well in advance and will need to plan accordingly.  Daily posts of assignments can also be found on each homeroom page.

Chromebooks: Chromebooks MUST come to school charged and ready for use each day. If a Chromebook is broken, the student must notify the teacher as soon as possible. Mr. Houseward will contact the parents about a replacement for a fee. In an emergency, students may use loaner Chromebooks at school, but they are not allowed to be brought home. 

P.E: Tennis shoes will be required.

Binders/Organization: Each student is required to have a binder with dividers to help them stay organized. Please resist the urge to organize the binder for your student as the year goes on. This will help ensure that  important papers don't get thrown away.

Excused Absences: Students who are absent due to illness may have work picked up at the end of the school day in the office. Please notify the teacher or front office. Students will have as many days to complete their work as were missed due to illness. Please see Handbook Link here for more details.

Unexcused Absences: If your child is absent due to vacation they will be provided with their missed work upon returning. The students and parents are responsible for getting work as soon as possible.  Please see the Student Handbook link for more details.